After two years of absence, we were finally able to make our way back to trusty Eastbourne! Students from classes 4a and 4b braved the journey across the channel and spent eight days venturing all over Eastbourne, Hastings, and London. On the countryside, they got to see the sights of Beachy Head, the castle ruins and smugglers’ caves in Hastings, and the breathtaking view of the Seven Sisters. London was calling them as well, so of course we chanced a look at the ever scary London Dungeon, had tea with the Royals at Madame Tussaud’s, and watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. It was an exhausting week full of walking (about 100.000 steps), learning (school spares no one, not even on a trip), and experiencing new things (English culture, guest families, oh my). None of us are bound to forget the amazing memories we made there but that’s just how it is when awesome kids like the ones from 4a and 4b go out into the world.

Mittelschule RIEGERSBURG
A-8333 Riegersburg 163

Tel: +43 (0)3153 8274
Fax: +43 (0)3153 8274 14
Tel. Konferenzzimmer: +43 (0)3153 8274 12



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